Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The List

I have an idea. I've been hearing/reading/ seeing a lot lately about bucket lists, life lists, new year's challenges, WHATEVER you want to call them. These amazing collections of dreams and hopes chronicled in one place are so inspiring! I have one that I keep on my fridge which needs to be updated. And so every time I see someone post their list in their blog or talk about completing one of their items, it gets me excited.

It also makes me curious. What if someone has something on their list that I can help them with? Or that I want to do also? I'm impatient and don't want to wait for fate or the winds of coincidence or whatever you believe in to bring us together. What if we could all meet (hey, virtually counts!) and compare lists? And also cheer for each other, lend a hand if possible, or even just to read and be inspired?

I want that. In fact, it's on my list now. Yup, just wrote it.

So, how do we do this? Well you see... I have no idea actually. I haven't thought that far. I got excited okay?
This is where YOU come in. I want to celebrate the Summer Solstice (JUNE 21ST) as
List Day. It's the longest day of the year and has 24 hours of daylight in the North Pole and 24 hours of darkness at the South Pole and this appeals to my balance loving Libran nature. What if we all pledge to post our Lists on that day? To cross something off on that day? I'll make a directory of everyone who is participating and we can surf around to each other's lists and leave encouraging comments, make new friends, and maybe find a partner in crime for one of our dreams.

So I am putting out a call for:

* People with life lists who would like to share with everyone!
* Someone who knows about making buttons or any of that other Web stuff that hurts my head that could make this happen in a prettier way.
* Anyone who can help spread the word about this- the more the merrier!



  1. Hi! I found your blog from Amy's finer things.

    I like your idea. I just posted my buket list a few weeks or so ago, but I can post it again. What day is the summer soltice?

  2. Silly me- that's kind of an important detail isn't it haha?

    It's June 21st so it's a bit of time away but I figure it will give everyone time to spread the word and work on their lists if they don't have one yet!

    I'll edit the post to add that minor (...or SUPER IMPORTANT) detail in :)

  3. this is great! maybe we could set up an email thread or something? hmm ill think more about it. lets figure something out!
