Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'd like to actually eat a bon bon one day...

I hope you had a great Valentine's Day! Mine was filled with buffets, Cheaters marathons and copious amounts of dessert. FOR REAL- Here was my menu:

10:00 am Pre-breakfast chocolate to greet the day
12:00 pm Dessert to round out my hearty buffet brunch
2:00 pm Chocolate snack to hold me over until dinner
3:00 pm Ramen 'cause I'm classy and healthful like that
6:30 pm Buffet dinner
7:30 pm Fill remaining spaces in my body with as much dessert as can fit

Delicious! Even if over-eating and terrible reality shows are not your thing (REALLY? why NOT?), I hope your day was filled with hearts (not the conversation ones, you can practically write on chalkboards with those things) kisses and indulgence.

Though let's all be serious here- the real holiday starts the 15th when all that glorious heart shaped chocolate goes on sale...

*I found this picture through Flickr and am now madly lusting after the gorgeous butterfly chocolates.

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome day!
    Calories don't count on special occasions and/or holidays, right?
